Looking into the mirror has so many consequences. You see, you evaluate, you make a determination. You believe or accept what you see, and then you walk away. What you see and how you see it solely depends on where you are in your personal life development. Whether there is a celebration or cruel criticism shows how much intention you’re putting into loving who you are created to be. Woman! You are a divine expression!

I spent way too many years playing to the faint yet loud whispers of others’ thoughts regarding who I am. It was a cage. A jail sentence. A box with no way out. My mirror evaluation was never really my own. The rush of hurtful statements took center stage in my mind. The slow walk away never encouraged or empowered but further confirmed the wisdom of the four walls. “Can’t get out.” “This is how it will always be.” “Must please everyone else.” “You can’t do that.”

I’m writing this piece simply to bring Freedom to the captive mind. The mind that people and religion have fed the false narrative that somehow, God wants women to be invisible until wanted. To be silent unless spoken to and to feel less than her male counterparts. All that on top of the looking oppression from the world. It’s an illusion! You can wake up from the nightmare set on repeat! Jesus is the answer. He set every captive free. Free to be. Free to become. Free to like and love who you are, right where you are, just like you are. He meant for you to enjoy being a woman. A woman who honors Him and expresses His glory by every means he has afforded you—breakthrough today from the opinions of people. You’re well worth it.

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